

【OPEN CALL】第10回プロジェクションマッピング国際大会 【 1minute Projection Mapping in TOKYO 】開催決定!

~ エントリー開始! ~
第10回 “1minute Projection Mapping Competition in TOKYO” の開催が本年も決定いたしました。


『 LIFE / 命・暮らし・人生 』


精神的にも物理的にも人の心が揺さぶられる時代。クリエイターの皆さんが想い描く『 LIFE 』へのメッセージやビジョン、そして問いを含めた作品を募集します。


【 プロジェクションマッピングの会場と建物のサイズ 】
・明治神宮外苑内 聖徳記念絵画館
・投影面となる建物のサイズ:幅112m、高さ 32.1m(中央ドーム頂点) 

【 上映作品数について 】

【 各賞と副賞について 】 



「1minute Projection Mapping Competition」公式サイト



《Open Call》The 10th International Projection Mapping Competition【1minute Projection Mapping in TOKYO 】

~Entry for participating creators is now open!~

1minute Projection Mapping in TOKYO will be held again this year.
This is an international competition planned by Projection Mapping Association of Japan for competing projection mapping works of 1 minute to 1 minute and 59 seconds.
Creators from all over the world are invited to submit their video works.
This year’s competition will mark the 10th anniversary. The theme of this memorable edition is,

『 LIFE / 命・暮らし・人生 』

The development of modern technology has enabled us to overcome many obstacles, increase our life expectancy, and change the way we work and live.
On the other hand, however, the world is still in the grip of sad news as another conflict has erupted this year, in addition to the still-unresolved COVID-19 outbreak.
Our views of life, death, and work style have changed dramatically.
In an era when people’s minds are shaken both mentally and physically, we are looking for works that include messages, visions, and questions about “LIFE” as envisioned by each creator.

【Projection Mapping Venue and Building Size】
◯Meiji Jingu Gaien Meiji Memorial Picture Gallery
(Address:1-1 Kasumigaokamachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0013 Japan)
(Google Map (
◯Building size of the projection plane: Width 112m, Height 32.1m (Center dome apex)

【Number of Screenings】
◯Finalist works:About 20 works (planned)

【Award and Supplementary Prizes】
◯Grand Prize: 2million yen, trophy, supplementary prize, invited as a guest creator for the next competition.
◯Second Prize: 500k yen, trophy,
supplementary prize
◯Jury Prize: 200k yen, trophy,
◯Organizer Award: 100k yen, trophy,
◯Audience Award: 100k yen, trophy,
(Finalists will receive a subsidy for production costs or accommodation when they come to Japan. )

For other information on how to apply and competition details, please refer to the following URL.

Call for entries:

「1minute Projection Mapping Competition」official site