






Maxin10sity(ハンガリー)のTamás Vaspöri(タマシュ・バスポーリ)と、ボレアリス・ライトフェスティバル(アメリカ)のTerry Morgan(テリー・モーガン)が発起人となりこの企画が立ち上がりました。
日本では、(一財)プロジェクションマッピング協会 代表 石多 未知行に協力の依頼があり、国内でのプロジェクト展開に努めています。

This is a project to simultaneously screen video messages filled with prayers around the world to reach more people beyond borders, ethnicities, and languages.

The aim of the project is to appeal for peace by linking the wishes for peace of visual artists from around the world on a global scale. Through this project, we hope that the wish for peace will spread throughout the world.

Screenings will begin on March 18, and as of March 17, the number of venues has reached 33 in 16 countries around the world.

In Japan, starting with Hiroshima, videos will be screened on the walls of large LED visions and facilities in Shibuya, Ikebukuro, Okinawa, Kobe, and other locations that have endorsed the project.

Tamás Vaspöri of Maxin10sity (Hungary) and Terry Morgan of the Borealis Light Festival (USA) initiated this project.
In Japan, Michiyuki Ishita, the president of the Projection Mapping Association of Japan, is supporting the development of the project in Japan.