We would like to appreciate all your entries to our competition, “1 minute projection mapping 2016”.
The 15 finalists to the next stage are listed below. We received 79 entries from 25 countries and areas. The number of countries that participated in this year was the largest ever. It was really a hard decision for us to select only limited finalists among them.
We will have the rehearsal to test all projection mapping works including the unselected works before the event. At the rehearsal, we are going to add a few more positions of finalist based on the quality. We would appreciate your brush-up by the time if you are interested in winning the extra positions.
This year we are going to have an additional mapping show to demonstrate 10 – 18 projects among the unselected projects as the second group. The show will be on September 17th and 18th at 20:30. The second group projects will not be counted in the competition, but it will be a great opportunity to get the feedback from the audience. The information about the second group will be announced after all selection is completed.
For the 2016 finalist, their works will be demonstrated at MINATOPIA-Niigata City History Museum on September 16th – 19th.
The regular entrance fee of the stage “1 minute projection mapping2016” is free. We also offer special seats for the central watching area, though it is required to purchase the ticket in advance. If you are interesting in watching the festival in the special better seats, we recommend early booking.
< Special Seats Price >
September 16th : 1,000 yen
September 17th-19th : 500 yen
今年度のプロジェクションマッピング国際コンペテイション「1 minute projection mapping2016」は過去最多となる25の国と地域から79ものエントリーが揃いました。本日18のファイナリスト作品が発表されました。
1minute Projection Mapping 2016 / FINALIS
(The numbers on the left side is the entry order of the number.)
01. One Action「Story of the Door」(JAPAN)
02. Full Screen Studio「We Are Robots」(Hungary)
03. Rampages Production「遊方/Yu Hou」(MACAU)
04. AVA Animation & Visual Arts「Mundo Escondido」(MEXICO)
05. AKASHA VISUALSTATION「Cordyceps (killing fungi)」(Slovakia)
06. Furyco「Insatura」(Indonesia)
07. VJZARIA「Free Mind Free Mind」(Brazil)
08. MöDAR「BARATAYUDHA」(Indonesia)
09. Yellaban Creative Media Studio「Eyesight」(THAILAND)
10. Undertoon「WHY NOT?」(Croatia)
11. EPER Creative Studio「Mind Game」(Hugary)
12. YOYOmiracle「CONNECT」(Japan)
13. EuroVideoMapping「(Germany)
14. QUA2DUO「DOOR」(Japan)
15. x.arts「Metamorphose」(Japan)
16. SINOCA & Salvador Ventosa「Evolution」(Spain)
17. Diego Esquivel[ctrl_v]「Inner Nature」(Costa Rica)
18. artcode 「Parallel door」(Japan)
Event details and ticketing.
スケジュール:9/19(月・祝) 18:30頃〜 19:30頃〜
USTREAMによるインターネット中継 / 動画一覧
▶ http://www.ustream.tv/channel/HqMcD8tEByG
01. One Action「Story of the Door」(JAPAN)
02. Full Screen Studio「We Are Robots」(Hungary)
03. Rampages Production「遊方/Yu Hou」(MACAU)
04. AVA Animation & Visual Arts「Mundo Escondido」(MEXICO)
05. AKASHA VISUALSTATION「Cordyceps (killing fungi)」(Slovakia)
06. Furyco「Insatura」(Indonesia)
07. VJZARIA「Free Mind Free Mind」(Brazil)
08. MöDAR「BARATAYUDHA」(Indonesia)
09. Yellaban Creative Media Studio「Eyesight」(THAILAND)
10. Undertoon「WHY NOT?」(Croatia)
11. EPER Creative Studio「Mind Game」(Hugary)
12. YOYO miracle「CONNECT」(Japan)
13. EuroVideoMapping「(Germany)
14. QUA2DUO「DOOR」(Japan)
15. x.arts「Metamorphose」(Japan)
16. SINOCA & Salvador Ventosa「Evolution」(Spain)
17. Diego Esquivel[ctrl_v]「Inner Nature」(Costa Rica)
18. art code 「Parallel door」(Japan)