
World Topic2019.04.09

Niio Art Asia Awards 2019

Niioは、映像とメディアアートの優秀さを普及するために、「Art Asia Awards 2019」を立ち上げました。
テーマは「Animated Nature」です。

グランプリ、準グランプリ、その他に3つの賞があり、グランプリには$ 4,000とNiio 4k Art Playerが授与されます。

・フォーマット:Apple ProRESまたはMpeg H.264 / H.265(HEVC)
・解像度:16:9の水平方向。 UHD(3840p X 2160p)、またはFHD(1920p x 1080p)のいずれか

Niio is launching Art Asia Awards 2019 to recognize excellence in video and media art. This open call are open to all established and emerging artists, including recent art graduates and students around the world.
The theme is Animated Nature.

Shortlisted finalists will be invited to showcase their work in the Niio’s 2019 catalogue, and their art will be available for limited edition purchases, loans and subscriptions. Selected works will be installed in a rotating international exhibition and will earn an opportunity to display their works commercially at screenings. There will be 1 winner, 1 runner-up and 3 merits, where the 1st place winner will receive $4,000 plus a Niio 4k Art Player.

・Artworks are to be submitted only through the Niio platform.
・Applicants can submit up to 5 artworks.
・Each work must be a video / animation, up to 15 minutes in length.
・Formats: Apple ProRES or Mpeg H.264/H.265 (HEVC)
・Resolution: 16:9 horizontal orientation. Either UHD (3840p X 2160p), or FHD (1920p X 1080p)

The deadline is May 15th, 2019.
For more information, have a look at the website: