
World Topic2021.05.05

Genius Loci Weimarのオープンコール!

2021年秋にドイツのワイマールでGenius Loci Weimarが行い、アーティストは、毎年恒例の「真の犯罪」のテーマで、アーティストは今年アルテンブルクとバスティーユの二つのコンペティションビルディングに対して、コンセプトアイデアを提出することができます。

The Genius Loci Weimar is back again in Autumn 2021 at Weimar, Germany, with an open call for artists to submit their concept ideas for competition buildings, Altenburg and Bastille with the annual theme “True Crime”.
The 2021 festival will include the as yet unscreened public presentations of the 2020 competition locations: the Marstall, the Goethe- and Schiller Archive and the Altenburg. The Altenburg has featured before; the Bastille Ensemble is new to the competition. Which means this year’s festival will encompass four main locations for the first time.
The deadline for submission is June 6th, 2021. The winner for this open call will be commissioned with 15,000 euros to produce a 5 minute high-resolution audiovision production.
For more information, have a look at the website: